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Liability Insurance

The most important question to ask before you hire an air conditioning, heating and plumbing specialist is if you can see their worker’s compensation certificate. If they do not have it, YOU CAN BE SUED. If you hire a air conditioning, heating and plumbing specialist without workers compensation and one of the technicians hurts themselves, YOU CAN BE SUED.

Is this fair? Absolutely not. We believe that you should not be liable in any way, the company should be solely liable. But that is the law.

Workers compensation is insurance that protects a company’s employees and their customers if a worker gets injured on the job. If a company is hesitant to produce proof of coverage, they probably don’t have it. All companies that have workers compensation should have the certificate posted on their website. They should not put you in the uncomfortable position of asking them to produce it. A certificate should look identical to ours. It will say “Certificate of Liability Insurance” at the top. It will list the insurance company and the painting company at the top. Under the “coverage's” section it will have the policy number (which will start with WC) and the expiration date. If you question the authenticity of the certificate, just call the listed insurance company to verify coverage.

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